Your browser lacks required capabilities. Please upgrade it or switch to another to continue.
Content warning: flashing visuals, unreality.@@//
<<timed 5s>>!@@.fade;注意 NOTICE@@
<<next 2s>>@@.fade;你即將會進入到零空的實例,到現實之間的閾限次元。
You are about to enter an instance of nullspace, a liminal dimension between realities.@@
<<next 5s>><<type 50ms>>此間零空 3416 號是由於幽靈島拘押中心的倒敗而造成的。
The following nullspace, #3416, was created by the collapse of the Phantom Island Detention Center.<</type>>
<<next 8s>><<type 50ms>>身為幽影,我們堅持要冤纏每一時空,直到每一法西斯現實的倒敗。
As phantom shades, we insist on haunting every time and space until the collapse of every fascist reality.<</type>>
<<next 10s>>@@.fade;[[(繼續 CONTINUE)|營火 THE CAMPFIRE]]@@
<<type 50ms>>[[(改路 CHANGE COURSE)|出口 EXIT]]<</type>>
Press spacebar to skip typing.@@//
目前在 NOW AT:
<<print passage()>><<timed 2s>>@@.fade;從濃霧中你空身地冒出來。@@
<<next 3s>>@@.fade;From the dense fog you emerge with nothing.@@<</timed>><<set _will to rollDice(1,6)>>
<<if _will lte 5>>
<<timed 10s>>@@.fade;溫暖明亮的營火,在無限的夜晚中不停地閃爍。@@
<<next 3s>>@@.fade;The campfire, warm and blazing, flickers without pause in the endless night.@@<</timed>>
<<timed 14s>><<type 30ms>>一位坐穩在刀把頭上的天妖向你微笑著,問你想不想來玩一個遊戲。<</type>><<next 2s>><<type 30ms>>A skyfiend sitting poised atop a dao's pommel smiles at you, asking if you'd like to play a game.<</type>>
<<next 5s>>[[(是 YES)|準備 PREPARATION][$will to true]]
[[(否 NO)|營火 THE CAMPFIRE...]]<</timed>>
<<timed 8s>>@@.fade;溫暖明亮的營火,在無限的夜晚中不停地閃爍。@@
<<next 2s>>@@.fade;The campfire, warm and blazing, flickers without pause in the endless night.@@
<<next 5s>>@@.fade;[[(離開 LEAVE)|白玄 THE WHITEDARK]]@@<</timed><</if>>
/* Will's Stories */
<<set $aboutDecisiveStruggle to ["「這遊戲叫《決鬥》。」 \"This game is called DECISIVE STRUGGLE.\"",
"「它就只有戰鬥的規則。」 \"It only has rules for combat.\"",
"「它的勝者便決定剩下的命運。」 \"Its victors decide what fates will remain.\"",
"「...你了解這故事的意義是什麼嗎?」 \"...Do you understand the meaning of this story?\"",
"「還是你覺得在這種系統下,連故事的意思都沒有?」 \"Or do you think that under this kind of system, there\'s no meaning in stories at all?\"",
"「是誰最後在決定什麼事情是有還是沒有意思? 你還是系統?」 \"Who ultimately decides what gets to have meaning? You or the system?\"",
"「系統的規則沒說有故事,就表示一定就沒有故事嗎?」 \"If the rules of the system say there are no stories, does that mean stories must stop existing?\"",
"「別人說要你死,就表示一定就沒有你嗎?」 \"If someone says they want you dead, does that mean you must stop existing?\"",
"「不管系統或別人說什麼,我們都有決定自己要如何回答的能力。」 \"No matter what the system or others say, we all have the potential to decide how we answer.\""]>>
<<set $aboutGameAsPrison to ["「遊戲就像監獄一樣。」 \"A game is like a prison.\"",
"「它試圖通過設計來規訓你。」 \"It tries to discipline you by design.\"",
"「因此遊玩就是遊戲的逃逸線,而玩家是那道的追蹤者。」 \"Thus play is a line of flight from the game, and the player the pursuer of that path.\"",
"「要逃逸順利,完全改變設計的一切但同時避免建造新需要逃逸的系統...」 \"To escape successfully, completely transforming the entire design without also constructing a new system that requires escape...\"",
"「...那就是解性遊的夢想。」 \"...that is the agonist dream.\"",
"「解性遊就是試圖逃逸逃逸的玩法,試圖結束遊戲存在的最終道。」 \"Agonist play is play that seeks to escape escaping, the terminal path of play that seeks to end the existence of games.\"",
"「解性遊更挑釁的定義就是試圖徹底革命的遊玩。」 \"The more provocative definition of agonist play is play that seeks total revolution.\"",
"「解性遊的最終階段就是退出遊戲來實現玩到底的結果。」 \"The ultimate stage of agonist play is quitting the game to realize that play\'s completion.\"",
"「虛構世界只不過是能讓我們想像如何完全控制現實改變的遊樂場。」 \"The fictional world is but a playground where we can imagine total control over our realities changing.\"",
"「現實世界的天際才是革命的最真底線。」 \"The horizon of the real world is actually the truest baseline where revolution must begin.\""]>>
<<set $aboutFreedom to ["「這是個關於自由的遊戲。」 \"This is a game about freedom.\"",
"「你為什麼會在這裡?」 \"Why are you here?\""]>>
<<set $willStories to [$aboutDecisiveStruggle, $aboutGameAsPrison, $aboutFreedom]>>
/* Jen's Stories */
<<set $aboutSmilingSwordsman to ["「玄君...妖為麟...維爾...」 \"Black Scion...Devil As Qilin...Will...\"",
"「這些都是他的名字。」 \"These are all his names.\"",
"「表面上愛和解,事實上有很強的俠義,只在等待完美發出反抗的時刻。」 \"Loves to make peace on the surface, but has a strong sense of justice deep down, and is just waiting for the perfect moment to rebel.\"",
"「在王朝時代,他被他的父親皇上指控叛國而任意處決。」 \"In the Age of Dynasties, he was accused of treason by his father the Emperor and summarily executed.\"",
"「他說他喜歡把每一天當作最後一天來生活。」 \"He says he likes to live as if every day could be his last.\""]>>
<<set $aboutBanishedMonk to ["「白弦...風起恩,簡稱風...」 \"White Thread...Wind-Risen Grace, and Feng for short...\"",
"「這些都是他的名字。」 \"These are all his names.\"",
"「表面跟事實上完全沒差別。就是嚴肅、冷漠、正直。」 \"There is no discrepancy between who he is on the surface and who he is deep down. Just being serious, detached, and righteous.\"",
"「在信神時代,被自己的情人謀殺。」 \"In the Age of Faith, he was killed by his own lover.\"",
"「我仍然還是不後悔。」 \"I still don\'t regret a thing.\""]>>
<<set $aboutTheDevil to ["「朱俠...飛捷夢...杰斯帕...」 \"Vermillion Justice...Flight Quickdream...Jasper...\"",
"「這些都是他的名字。」 \"These are all their names.\"",
"「他有比死亡願望更糟糕的許願--想要最高段的重生。」 \"He wants something worse than a death wish--he wants the highest level of rebirth.\"",
"「在無限時代,他在暴動之中被警方槍殺。」 \"In the Age of Infinity, he was gunned down by police in an uprising.\"",
"「自從獲得幽影不死的能力,他說他什麼風險都不怕了。」 \"Since gaining the immortality of a phantom shade, he says he\'s no longer afraid of risks anymore.\""]>>
<<set $aboutFour to ["「我們是在萬敵界四大時代之中依法被謀殺的烈士幽影眾。」 \"We are a phantom collective of martyrs murdered by the law across the Four Great Eras of Bānti̍k-Kài.\"",
"「我們是死後穿越時空找到彼此的。」 \"We traveled through time and space to find each other after death.\"",
"「像許多的時空游擊者,我們被例外國逮捕,被關進幽靈島的中心。」 \"Like many chronoguerillas, we were caught by the State of Exception and imprisoned in The Center on Phantom Island.\"",
"「中心垮了之後,我們又回去老生活。」 \"After The Center collapsed, we went back to our old lives.\"",
"「說到這點,你不是也還有該回去做的事情嗎?」 \"Speaking of which, don\'t you still have some business you\'ve got to get back to?\""]>>
<<set $jenStories to [$aboutSmilingSwordsman, $aboutBanishedMonk, $aboutTheDevil, $aboutFour]>>
/* Feng's Stories */
<<set $aboutKuhai to ["「因為你想想像有別的結局。」 \"Because you wanted to imagine there were other endings.\"",
"暴風在背景激烈地持續。 The storm in the background rages on.",
"持續。 And on.",
"持續。 And on.",
"「是有。」 \"There are.\"",
"「但在這裡,是找不到的。」 \"But here, you will not find them.\""]>>
<<set $aboutTheOther to ["「在重生的火光之中。」 \"In the flames of rebirth.\"",
"「在遺忘的迷霧之中。」 \"In the mists of forgetting.\"",
"「在的隔離的浪穀之中。」 \"In the troughs of isolation.\"",
"「在記憶的惡臭之中。」 \"In the stench of remembrance.\"",
"「不在於你,也不在於我們...」 \"Not within you, and not within us...\"",
"「...而在於彼此之間想像的現實。」 \"...but within the reality we imagine between each other.\"",
"暴風在背景激烈地持續。 The storm in the background rages on.",
"持續。 And on.",
"持續。 And on.",
"「說出來,或許還能做夢...」 \"To speak, perchance to dream...\"",
"「...夢到超越聲亡的沉默...」 \"...of silence beyond the death of sound...\"",
"「...夢到生存。」 \"...of sounding alive.\"",
"「我夢想到你的聲存。」 \"I dream that you sound alive.\""]>>
<<set $fengStories to [$aboutKuhai, $aboutTheOther]>>
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */<<if $jen eq true>><<timed 0s>><<type 30ms>>濃霧瞬間消失。
The mists abruptly vanish.<</type>>
<<next 5s>><<type 30ms>>原本明亮的營火,變成了蒼白的死灰。<</type>><<next 2s>><<type 30ms>>The campfire, once bright, has now become a pile of lifeless ashes.<</type>>
<<next 8s>><<type 30ms>>你要怎麼辦?
What do you do?<</type>>
<<next 8s>>@@.fade;color:#ff3925;結局 4/4: 真相結局
<<else>><<type 30ms>>他垂頭沮喪地說:「太可惜了。」
"What a shame," he says, hanging his head in dismay.<</type>>
<<timed 6s>>@@.fade;溫暖明亮的營火,在無限地夜晚中不停地閃爍。@@
<<next 2s>>@@.fade;The campfire, warm and blazing, flickers without pause in the endless night.@@
<<next 5s>>@@.fade;[[(離開 LEAVE)|白玄 THE WHITEDARK]]@@
<</if>><<nobr>><<set _jen to rollDice(1,6)>><</nobr>><<if _jen lte 6>><<timed 5s>>@@.fade;你回到濃霧,在白玄中消失。@@
<<next 2s>>@@.fade;You return to the dense fog, disappearing into THE WHITEDARK.@@
<<next 6s>><<type 90ms>>@@.fade;片刻之後,明確的聲音穿透死寂。@@<</type>><<type 90ms>>@@.fade;Moments later, a clear voice cuts through the deathly silence.@@<</type>>
<<next 10s>><<type 30ms>>「喔。是你。又回來啦。」 "Oh. It's you. You're back again."<</type>>
<<next 5s>>@@.fade;[[(理 ATTEND)|白玄 THE WHITEDARK...]]
[[(不理 IGNORE)|苦海 BITTER SEA]]@@
<<timed 8s>>@@.fade;你回到濃霧,在白玄中消失。@@
<<next 2s>>@@.fade;You return to the dense fog, disappearing into THE WHITEDARK.@@
<<next 6s>>@@.fade;片刻之後,下個終點在你面前出現。@@
<<next 2s>>@@.fade;Moments later, your next destination appears before you.@@
<<next 3s>>@@.fade;[[(繼續 CONTINUE)|味道 THE SMELLTRACKS]]@@
@@font-size:28px;REFUSEMENT PARK@@
<<if $feng eq true>><<type 30ms>>[[為什麼我們會在這裡 WHY ARE WE HERE|遊戲 GAME][$fs to 0, $i to 0]]
[[彼在何方 WHERE IS THE OTHER|遊戲 GAME][$fs to 1, $i to 0]]<</type>>
<<elseif $jen eq true>><<type 30ms>>「命令我。」 "Command me."
[[說微笑劍客的故事 TELL ME OF THE SMILING SWORDSMAN|遊戲 GAME][$js to 0, $i to 0]]
[[說流放武僧的故事 TELL ME OF THE BANISHED MONK|遊戲 GAME][$js to 1, $i to 0]]
[[說惡魔的故事 TELL ME OF THE DEVIL|遊戲 GAME][$js to 2, $i to 0]]
[[說死象的故事 TELL ME OF THE FOUR DEATHS|遊戲 GAME][$js to 3, $i to 0]]
[[別說了 SPEAK NO MORE|白玄 THE WHITEDARK...][$i to 0, $a to 1]]
<<else>><<type 30ms>>「你有記得帶六面骰嗎?」 "Did you remember to bring six-sided dice?"<</type>>
/* yn is a variable that determines how Will responds in the next line */<<timed 4s>><<type 30ms>>[[(是 YES)|準備 PREPARATION...][$yn to true]]
[[(否 NO)|準備 PREPARATION...][$yn to false]]
<</if>><<if $yn eq true>><<type 30ms>>「那太好了! 可以幫我補充。」 "That's great! You can help make up for the lack of mine."<</type>>
<<else>><<type 30ms>>「那沒關係,我們可以假裝。」 "That's alright, we can pretend."<</type>><</if>><<type 30ms>>他讓你隨心隨意地把面前骰子的位置擺好。
He lets you set up the dice before him as you please.<</type>>
<<type 30ms>>「好吧...那就你先。」 " you go first."<</type>>
/* Initialize temporary counter variable _i */
/* When _i hits 6, which will happen after the player clicks all possible options, output the true option, which is PRETEND */
/* -- Explanation of how the linkreplacing works -- */
/* Every time the player clicks a false option, _i goes up by 1 and the code checks if _i is 6 yet. If it is, then output link to true option PRETEND. And when player clicks link to PRETEND, pick a random Will story to tell and set the counter variable $i for story line to 0 */
<</nobr>><<set _i to 0>><<type 30ms>><<linkreplace "堅 ENDURE (保護一骰 PROTECT A DIE)">>
<<nobr>><<set _i to _i+1>><<if _i eq 6>>@@.fade;
[[假 PRETEND|遊戲 GAME][$ws to random(0, $willStories.length - 1), $i to 0]]
<<linkreplace "勇 BRAVE (重擲一骰 REROLL A DIE)">>
<<nobr>><<set _i to _i+1>><<if _i eq 6>>@@.fade;
[[假 PRETEND|遊戲 GAME][$ws to random(0, $willStories.length - 1), $i to 0]]
<<linkreplace "化 CHANGE (翻面一骰 FLIP A DIE)">>
<<nobr>><<set _i to _i+1>><<if _i eq 6>>@@.fade;
[[假 PRETEND|遊戲 GAME][$ws to random(0, $willStories.length - 1), $i to 0]]
<<linkreplace "歉 REGRET (復原一骰 UNCHANGE A DIE)">>
<<nobr>><<set _i to _i+1>><<if _i eq 6>>@@.fade;
[[假 PRETEND|遊戲 GAME][$ws to random(0, $willStories.length - 1), $i to 0]]
<<linkreplace "霸 FORCE (奪取一骰 SEIZE A DIE)">>
<<nobr>><<set _i to _i+1>><<if _i eq 6>>@@.fade;
[[假 PRETEND|遊戲 GAME][$ws to random(0, $willStories.length - 1), $i to 0]]
<<linkreplace "血 BLEED (去掉一骰 REMOVE A DIE)">>
<<nobr>><<set _i to _i+1>><<if _i eq 6>>@@.fade;
[[假 PRETEND|遊戲 GAME][$ws to random(0, $willStories.length - 1), $i to 0]]
<<if $jen eq true>><<timed 2s>>@@.fade;濃霧分散,露出新的地點。@@
<<next 3s>>@@.fade;The mists scatter, revealing a new location.@@
<<next 3s>><<if $a eq 1>>@@.fade;[[(繼續 CONTINUE)|苦海 BITTER SEA]]@@<</if>><<next 3s>><<if $a eq 2>>@@.fade;[[(繼續 CONTINUE)|味道 THE SMELLTRACKS]]@@<</if>><</timed>>
<<else>><<type 30ms>>@@.fade;從濃霧中一位穿著無袖白袍的颱鱗漸漸地冒出來。
From the dense fog a stormscale dressed in a sleeveless white robe gradually emerges.@@<</type>>
<<timed 6s>><<type 30ms>>她問:「為什麼還在這裡?」 "Why are you still here?" she asks.<</type>>
/* $a is a variable that determines how jen responds in the next line */<<next 3s>><<type 30ms>>[[(為了你 FOR YOU)|白玄 THE WHITEDARK......][$a to 1]]
[[(為了我自己 FOR MYSELF)|白玄 THE WHITEDARK......][$a to 2]]
[[(為了別人 FOR SOMEONE ELSE)|白玄 THE WHITEDARK......][$a to 3]]
[[(未決 FORGONE REASONS)|白玄 THE WHITEDARK......][$a to 4]]
<</if>><<timed 6s>><<type 30ms>>在一片暴風大海之中,你坐在無槳的木筏上。
In the midst of a stormy sea, you sit aboard a raft without paddle.<</type>>
<<next 8.5s>><<type 30ms>>在你正對面,靜坐著一位披氅的鍛凋,不在乎大雨。
Sitting directly across from you, a cloaked wroughtblight meditates, ignoring the heavy rain.<</type>>
<<next 8s>>@@.fade;[[(漂 DRIFT)|苦海 BITTER SEA...]]@@
<<next 8s>><<type 30ms>>[[(疑 QUESTION)|準備 PREPARATION][$feng to true]]<</type>>
<</timed>><<timed 0s>><<type 30ms>>捷運車廂,地下室,行駛中。
A subway car, underground, in motion.<</type>>
<<next 5s>><<nobr>><<set _jasper to rollDice(1,6)>>
<<if _jasper lte 2>>
<<type 30ms>>一隻燈鬼躺在你前面的座位上睡覺。
A torchlin lies sleeping on the seats before you.<</type>>
<<set $ending to 1>>
<<elseif _jasper lte 4>>
<<type 30ms>>一隻燈鬼在車窗上用黃色油漆筆亂畫塗鴉。
A torchlin scrawls graffiti on the window with a yellow paint marker.<</type>>
<<set $ending to 2>>
<<type 30ms>>一顆榴槤位於你面前的座位上。
A durian lies on a seat before you.<</type>>
<<set $ending to 3>>
<<next>><<type 30ms>>你的[[遊戲|]]散落滿地。 Your [[games|]] lie scattered all over the floor.<</type>>
<<next>>@@.fade;[[(記得 REMEMBER)|死路 DEAD END]]@@
<</timed>><<if $a eq 1>><<type 30ms>>「好。」 "Very well."<</type>>
<<timed 2s>>@@.fade;[[(繼續 CONTINUE)|準備 PREPARATION][$jen to true]]@@<</timed>>
<<elseif $a eq 2>><<timed 2s>>@@.fade;濃霧分散,露出下一個終點。@@
<<next 3s>>@@.fade;The mists scatter, revealing your next destination.@@
<<next 3s>>@@.fade;[[(繼續 CONTINUE)|味道 THE SMELLTRACKS]]@@<</timed>>
<<elseif $a eq 3>><<type 30ms>>「誰?」 "Who?"
[[(流放武僧 THE BANISHED MONK)|白玄 THE WHITEDARK...][$jen to true, $a to 1]]
[[(惡魔 THE DEVIL)|白玄 THE WHITEDARK...][$jen to true, $a to 2]]<</type>>
<<elseif $a eq 4>><<timed 2s>><<type 30ms>>「謳迷...」 "omi..."<</type>>
<<next 6s>><<type 30ms>>「你還在假裝什麼啊?」 "Why are you still pretending?"<</type>>
<<next 5s>>[[(退出 QUIT)|營火 THE CAMPFIRE...][$jen to true]]
<</if>><<timed 0s>><<if $will eq true>><<type 30ms>>他讓你隨心隨意地移動面前的骰子。
He lets you move the dice before him as you please.<</type>>
/* Only speak if lines left to say */<<if $i lte $willStories[$ws].length - 1>><<type 30ms>>$willStories[$ws][$i]<</type>><</if>><<elseif $feng eq true>><<if $i lte $fengStories[$fs].length - 1>><<type 30ms>>$fengStories[$fs][$i]<</type>><</if>>
<<elseif $jen eq true>><<if $i lte $jenStories[$js].length - 1>><<type 30ms>>$jenStories[$js][$i]<</type>><</if>>
<</if>><<next 3s>>@@.fade;[[(繼續 CONTINUE)|遊戲 GAME][$i to $i+1]]@@
<<if $will eq true>>@@.fade;[[(退出 QUIT)|營火 THE CAMPFIRE...][$i to 0]]@@
<<elseif $feng eq true>><<timed 1s>><<type 30ms>>[[(住口 SILENCE)|苦海 BITTER SEA...][$i to 0]]<</type>><</timed>>
<<elseif $jen eq true>>@@.fade;[[(回去 RETURN)|準備 PREPARATION][$i to 0]]
[[(退出 QUIT)|白玄 THE WHITEDARK...][$i to 0, $a to 1]]@@
<</if>><</timed>><<timed 0s>><<type 30ms>>沉默。
<<next 8s>>@@.fade;木筏持漂,視中無岸。@@
<<next 2s>>@@.fade;The raft drifts on with no shore in sight.@@
<<next 12s>><<type 30ms>>過久,武僧開眼,一口宣布:<</type>><<next 2s>><<type 30ms>>A long while later, the monk opens his eyes, and declares in one breath:<</type>>
<<next 1s>><<type 30ms>>「我們到了。」 "We've arrived."<</type>>
<<next 6s>>苦海與之中承載的一切突然像鏡子一樣破碎。
The bitter sea and all it carries suddenly shatters like a broken mirror.
<<next 6s>><<type 30ms>>片刻之後,碎片重聚成新的終點。
Moments later, the pieces regather to form your new destination.<</type>>
<<next 7s>>@@.fade;[[(繼續 CONTINUE)|味道 THE SMELLTRACKS]]@@
<<timed 0s>><<type 30ms>>你的名字叫蠢謳迷。你是我的舊版。
Your name is omi chun. You're a past version of me.<</type>>
<<next 5s>><<type 30ms>>你曾經創作桌遊。創作停止,重開始,又再停因為你寫了一個關於你前朋友的抒情遊,造成那前朋友在公共場合精神崩潰。
You once made tabletop games. You stopped, resumed, then stopped again after you wrote a lyric game about a former friend that triggered them into having a public mental breakdown.<</type>>
<<next 9s>><<type 30ms>>這故事不是關於那件事。
This isn't a story about that.<</type>>
<<next 6s>><<type 30ms>>這故事是關於之後發生的事件。
This is a story about what happened after.<</type>>
<<next>>@@.fade;[[(記得 REMEMBER)|死路 DEAD END...]]@@
<<timed 0s>><<type 30ms>>你回去思考做遊戲的意義到底是什麼--是不是有謀些問題你不該用遊戲來接觸。
You went back and thought about it meant to make games--if there were questions your games should never touch.<</type>>
<<next 8s>><<type 30ms>>你回去思考做關係的意義是什麼--是不是有某些人和社群你不該讓自己去接觸。
You went back and thought about what it meant to make social connections--if there were people and communities you should never touch.<</type>>
<<next 10s>><<type 30ms>>是有。
There were.<</type>>
<<next 5s>><<type 30ms>>所以你把自己放在這裡,在個虛構世界的監牢裡,在幾乎沒人能聽到或找到你的地方。
And so you put yourself here, in a prison of a fictional world, where almost no one could hear or find you.<</type>>
<<next>>@@.fade;[[(繼續 CONTINUE)|味道 THE SMELLTRACKS...]]@@
<</timed>><<if $ending eq 1>><<timed 0s>><<type 30ms>>不久之後,燈鬼聞到你。他醒來說:「你臭得像尿味一樣。」
Not long afterwards, the torchlin picks up your scent. He wakes up and says, "You smell like piss."<</type>>
<<next 6s>>[[來聞 SMELL]]<</timed>>
<<elseif $ending eq 2>><<timed 0s>><<type 30ms>>塗鴉說: 這都算是遊戲; 個人必須先回答。
The graffiti says: THESE ARE GAMES; ONE FIRST MUST ANSWER.<</type>>
<<next 6s>>[[來答 ANSWER]]<</timed>>
<<elseif $ending eq 3>><<timed 0s>><<type 30ms>>時間過去。榴槤腐敗。
Time passes. The durian rots.<</type>>
<<next 6s>>[[來聞 SMELL]]<</timed>>
<</if>><<if $ending eq 1>><<timed 0s>><<type 30ms>>沒錯。
You do.<</type>>
<<next 5s>><<type 30ms>>「但你知道好消息是什麼嗎?」
"But do you know what the good news is?"<</type>>
<<next>><<type 30ms>>他詭秘地笑。
He smirks.<</type>>
<<next 3s>><<type 30ms>>「他媽的,我也是。」 "Me fucking too."<</type>>
<<next 3s>>@@.fade;color:#ff3925;結局 1/4: 因為只有你想像的人才會歡迎你
<<elseif $ending eq 3>><<timed 0s>><<type 30ms>>聞起來像家鄉一樣。
It smells like home.<</type>>
<<next 3s>>@@.fade;color:#ff3925;結局 3/4: 因為在這裡你能想像出自己的出口
<</if>><<timed 0s>><<type 30ms>>為了要學會在不會有觀眾出現的情況之下寫作。為了要知道//自己//創作的目的是什麼。
To learn how to write with no promise of an audience. To learn what was the point of //you// creating.<</type>>
<<next 8s>><<type 30ms>>事實是這樣的: 你不能為了要改變別人而創作。就算是要感動他們的心也不行。一當他們看了字,字就變他們的,而你在字中的意見將到願前死亡。
The truth is this: you can't write to change people. Not even to move them emotionally. As soon as they read your words, the words become theirs, and your voice within dead on arrival.<</type>>
<<next 12s>><<type 30ms>>[[繼續 CONTINUE|來答 ANSWER...]]<</type>>
<</timed>><<timed 0s>><<type 30ms>>為什麼要創作? 為什麼要//求生?// 這對我來說都是同樣的問題。我不需要找出原因,因為兩事都超越原因的需要--兩事都算是權力。雖然我深深知道兩力的廢時和大害,我仍然要繼續利用下去,因為那不是它們的最終模式--這不是//我們//的最終模式。
Why create? Why //live?// To me those are just the same question. I don't need a reason, because both are beyond needing reason--both are a form of power. And while I am deeply aware of how futile and destructive both can be, I remain in use of them because that is not the end of what they are--this is not the end of who //we// are.<</type>>
<<next 16s>><<type 30ms>>還有我們//還能成為的//樣子。
And of what we could //still become//.<</type>>
<<next 6s>><<type 30ms>>[[繼續 CONTINUE|...]]<</type>>
<</timed>><<next 8s>><<type 30ms>>我的名字是燇空。
My name is jyun kong.<</type>>
<<next 8s>><<type 30ms>>我在這字中想像我們兩生都確實能存在。
In these words I imagine the both of us being surely alive.<</type>>
@@.fade;color:#ff3925;結局 2/4: 假想緣
@@<<timed 0s>><<type 30ms>>你回頭看看擁有的逃路。 You turn around and consider your options for escape.<</type>>
<<next 3s>>@@.fade;[[NS 3415 (指南 DIRECTORY)|]]@@<</timed>>